With the advent and continued refinement of the digital camera, the technical know-how of Photography has been greatly simplified. Now, it is all about timing and composition. In Fine Art, the composition is important, but it can be buoyed by cross hatching or brush strokes, line weight or color choice. In Photography, it is about implied horizontal and vertical divisions, diagonal movement, and finding themes of color. 
Unlike other forms of art, where corollaries are drawn between the art work and our everyday life, Photography is a direct representation. It does not require the observer to translate into their experience, it is their experience. Photography is approachable and allows the subject matter to speak directly with limited felt presence of the artist. The author’s role is more subtle, it is about decision rather than showing the hand.

Uncovering an abandoned marble quarry
Cornell  Academic

Living with monks in a Baroque monastery

Architect, Artist, Writer

Architect, Artist, Writer