St. Florian Exhibition

Baroque Libraries: The Journey to Getting Lost in a Book

Cornell University Eidlitz Travel Fellowship (2018)
St. Florian, Austria

The drawings are strung across tension supports
The drawings are strung across tension support

Proposal: to design a Solo Exhibition of Baroque Libraries for the St. Florian Monastery in the Red Salon

Eidlitz Travel Fellowship︎︎︎
I was invited to exhibit my work at the St. Florian Monastery, the largest in Upper Austria. The Baroque complex was one of the topics of my research, and the Provost's Red Salon was a beautiful backdrop to exhibit the completed drawings. 140 Donors were in attendance, and a wine tasting was offered here before convening in the grand Marble Hall for the Banquet Feast.
Each of the six double sided Moleskin Notebooks are suspended within the room at approximately eye level. 

Located at the end of a long corridor and through an antechamber, the Provost’s Red Salon is a decadent room equipped with an array of baroque furniture. It was a challenge to organize the space given that nothing could be pinned to the walls. In the end, tension wire was suspended between a series of cantilevered planks with weighted bases. From here, the notebooks were hung with clips. This suspended presentation approach proved successful both animating the space and allowing viewers to see the rear side of the notebooks; a similar method was employed for all subsequent exhibitions. 

The presentation included a series of short lectures delivered, with the help of an english translator, to groups of the 140 donors in attendance.

Library Projects

Architect, Artist, Writer